General Counsel/In-House Legal Services

Since the business environment today has become dynamic and fluid, companies have to face increased legal, compliance, and regulatory challenges no matter what their size, nature of work, or practice area. Larger companies typically meet these challenges by employing an in-house general counsel or a team of attorneys on a full-time basis to provide steady legal support to the company. However, for many businesses, this may not be a viable option.

Most often, companies realize that the cost of hiring full-time, in-house attorneys/ lawyers to provide expert advice regarding commercial transactions, corporate governance, employment matters, dispute avoidance and resolution, Intellectual Property, regulatory compliance, and many other legal matters turns out to be exorbitant. Additionally, companies usually suffer from high expenses when they engage a law firm on an hourly basis.

Barcode LLP Is Here to Help –

We are a team of highly qualified and well-trained attorneys with experience in providing clients various business services including those related to start-up, acquisitions, compliance, managing IP, and contract drafting and review. Our team provides outside general counsel services/in-house legal services on a fixed fee/retainer basis.


  • Advice on day-to-day functioning and operation in the company
  • Draft, review, negotiate key contracts, Services/solutions agreements, EULA, vendor/partner relationship agreements, etc.
  • Assistance with regulatory compliance, and processes
  • Draft and review privacy policies, terms of use, and other technology-related matters
  • Legal research work