Our Pricing Model

Dedicated Teams
A dedicated legal expert shall be assigned to your project full-time (160 hours per month) and you will be billed monthly for the same. In case of lower work volumes, our flexible packages also allow you to hire a part-time legal expert (80 hours per month).
  • Retainer based working model
  • Consistently cater to the need for a particular service
  • Team assigned and trained according to your legal requirements and project
  • Fixed monthly billing per FTE
  • Clients have complete autonomy over the assigned legal team
  • Infrastructure and methodology are reshaped and reassessed to meet client-specific requirements
Project Based
Depending on the nature and magnitude of the project and legal work required, we finalise the fee. Our billing mode depends on multiple factors like type of project, working hours required, number of FTEs etc.
  • Dedicated project management
  • Customized workflow based on one-time team size
  • Work assignment based on team size
  • Monthly or yearly subscription flexibility
  • Resource/project-based billing flexibility
  • Pre-agreed project-based/hourly rates
Hourly Based
Standard and conventional form of billing practice in which a rate is fixed for every billable hour of work. This model is suitable for low-volume work.
  • A fixed price for each task
  • Resource/project-based flexibility
  • Customized workflow
  • Pre-agreed project-based/hourly rates