Contract Management Services

Contracts are the foundation of any business as close to 90% of business transactions are governed by contracts. These contracts are crucial to any organization as they contain vital details of an organization’s relationships with its partners, suppliers, customers, and also with its employees. As the organization expands and grows, these contracts keep getting increasingly voluminous and complex, making it formidable for any organization to fully manage, negotiate and track the agreements that impact their business.

Although almost every organization has an in-house legal department, it has generally been seen that the in-house legal departments often spend most of their propitious time on contract reviews rather than committing themselves to more strategic or core operational work. Contract Management Services are meant to help firms in absolving their teams from monotonous administrative tasks which can consume as much as 40% of their time. The Contract Management Services also ensure that you get services from those who are particularly skilled and competent in responding to specific legal demands.

Barcode can effectively support your organization by undertaking diverse roles wherein we deliver a wide range of services including analyzing your drafts, preparing standard templates, identifying the variables relevant to a contract, and creating a checklist of key clauses which may be useful in managing specifications and obligations of each agreement.


  • Contract Drafting, Red-Lining, Negotiation, and Execution
  • Contract Abstraction & Summarization
  • Post Execution Contract Administration
  • Contract Migration
  • Contract Audit
  • Gap Analysis with Standard T&C and Clauses Contract Summarization Services
  • Pre-Merger Due Diligence Support Services
  • Post-Merger Integration Support Services
  • Miscellaneous Administration Services